Group 4 100-K and 100-F Remediation

Department of Energy / Bechtel Hanford, Inc.
Hanford Nuclear Site, Richland, Washington

The Group 4 100-K and 100-F remediation sites are located adjacent to the 100-K East and West nuclear reactors and the 100-F reactor at the Hanford site. The 100-K reactors were operational from 1955 to 1971 and the 100-F reactor was operational from 1945 to 1965. During reactor construction and operations the refuse generated, ranging from general trash to radioactive equipment and debris, was disposed of in unlined pits and trenches near the reactor sites. The Department of Energy is now in the process of remediating all of this refuse. DelHur was contracted to remove approximately 255,000 bank cubic meters (bcm) of overburden and backfill the site upon completion of remediation activities with approximately 400 bcm of clean fill material. The initial work was performed within a radiologically contaminated area. DelHur also utilized a multi-processor to perform demolition and size reduction of a low-level radioactively contaminated pipeline (up to 3-feet in diameter), steel tank bases, reinforced concrete footings, reinforced concrete boxes, drains, overfall structures, and approximately 1,500 cy of reinforced concrete. Additional work scope included the construction of access roads and a container queue area at the 100-K site.