Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility – Super Cells 9 & 10 Construction Washington Closure Hanford Richland, Washington Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) is a large landfill that is used for the treatment, disposal and storage of low-level radioactive, hazardous, and mixed wastes generated during the cleanup and remediation activities at the site. ERDF is comprised [...]
Rock Springs Landfill – Lined Cell Phase 1
Amanda Kauffman2016-10-14T14:14:45-07:00Rock Springs Landfill – Lined Cell Phase 1 Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1 Rock Springs, WY This Project involved approximately 15 acres of site development and the construction of a new lined cell. Additional work scope activities included the installation of a leachate collection system, the construction of two (2) leachate evaporation ponds [...]
Laramie Landfill Improvements
Amanda Kauffman2016-10-08T10:52:30-07:00Laramie Landfill Improvements City of Laramie Laramie, WY The project consisted of the expansion of an existing landfill facility and facility improvements. Major items of scope included the construction of: An engineered containment cell Leachate collection system Evaporation pond Stormwater pond Baler building and office (baler, conveyor and tie system) Z-wall recycling depot Scale house [...]
Wasco County Landfill – Cells 1B and 2A
Amanda Kauffman2016-10-18T19:10:26-07:00Wasco County Landfill - Cells 1B and 2A Waste Connections, Inc. The Dalles, Oregon Wasco County Landfill is a municipal solid waste disposal facility located approximately 6 miles from The Dalles, Oregon and is owned and operated by Waste Connections, Inc. DelHur was contracted to perform disposal cell expansion services at this facility. Major items [...]
LRI Phase III Closure & Cell 5 Excavation
Amanda Kauffman2024-03-07T12:20:22-08:00LRI Phase III Closure & Cell 5 Excavation Land Recovery, Inc. (LRI) Graham, Washington LRI owns and operates a regional landfill in Pierce County Washington. The facility is only allowed to accept waste that is generated within Pierce County. DelHur has a valued and long standing relationship in providing construction services for LRI. Most [...]